Poles work on a figure of 8
Ground poles are a really useful tool for horses and riders of all levels.
For horses they strengthen their hind end and improve the rhythm. They also help make schooling sessions more fun.
For riders they develop your eye, your timing, promote proper balance, focus your attention on steering and straightness.
Sit tall and square in your saddle and look in the direction of the poles as you approach. Don’t look down as this will put additional weight on your horse’s front end.
In this exercise I’ve used ground poles on a simple figure of eight, with 4 trot poles placed 4 to 4 ½ feet apart in a straight line between B and E in the arena and four canter poles placed 9 to 10 feet apart at the C and A ends of the arena.
It’s harder than it looks as the key is to keep a really good rhythm.
Introduce the trot poles first, on both reins, then the canter poles, again on both reins, and then put the exercise together.