Total Belief (April) notched up her eighth double clear this season at Gatcobe where she finished sixth in the intermediate. She performed a beautiful dressage test, which put her in the top spot, but as she is still a young horse, we kept the hand brake on across country which meant time penalties dropped us down to sixth.
She’s such an exciting horse and feels stronger and more athletic with every outing.
Total Darkness’s dressage was very good, and again he went clear across country, his 11th clear this season, but he rolled a couple of green poles showjumping.
I was so pleased with ex-racehorse Crinan Classic who is owned by Clare White. He finished ninth in a novice section after a super clear cross country. He gave me a great feel.
Osberton International and Young Horse Championships Sep 28 – Oct 1
We head to the young horse championships with Total Belief and Total Darkness.