I know I’ve only done one clinic with Coral – but it’s by far one of the best lessons I’ve ever had. I’d be really keen to attend more clinics. Thank you!

I know I’ve only done one clinic with Coral – but it’s by far one of the best lessons I’ve ever had. I’d be really keen to attend more clinics. Thank you!
I have really enjoyed having monthly lessons with Coral at Mendip Plains. She has a wealth of knowledge that shows in her clear and professional way of teaching. Things are made simple but effective giving us both confidence, which we definitely need lots of! She’s always interested to hear how we get on when out competing., and in turn gives great feedback on what we well, and what we can improve on for another time.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my lessons with Coral. Her understanding of an indivdual horse’s way of going has helped me over the summer to achieve a better and more fluent way of jumping, and improved my understanding of speed on the xc course.
I had a great lesson with Coral last week, thought she was fab, definitely interested in training through the winter months, it will be great to have such a good instructor locally.
I started at Coral’s yard as her working pupil. I had horses of my own from a young age which I would compete but no real experience of how a professional competition yard runs. In going to Coral’s yard it was a huge learning experience and one that I am grateful for now. I learnt so much and with Coral’s high standards of care for the horses and turnout at events they were lessons that I cherish and use still now. I was given many opportunities to travel and groom at top events not only throughout the UK but also internationally. In being at Coral’s I was also able to complete an advance diploma in horse care through Haddon Training and gained my HGV licence.
After a year or so I had the opportunity of becoming her Head Girl. In my 3 years that I worked with Coral, I gained so many skills which are vital in the horse industry and enabled me with a platform to go on to other great openings.